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Water is Life... Pursuing Living Water Matters

This simple mission statement embodies all that H2O Technologies is as a company and the personal faith of its founders. Selling and bottling water is not our ultimate mission. Rather, it is how we fund what our mission is, as responsible stewards of the blessings entrusted to us. It is from this perspective that H2O Technologies established its commitment as a company to improving life, first for people in our own community then growing regionally, nationally and ultimately, internationally. By following a business model which is designed to share entrepreneurial opportunities with others, "Living Water" is improving other peoples' lives!

It matters to us that we pursue this mission passionately; and we do pursue our water business passionately! In a world consumed by a "me first" mentality, it is refreshing and exciting to found a company on the premise of "others first". We use 10% of our gross production sales to be our "first fruits" given. This is not just charitable giving to those in need from either personal or natural tragedies, but also pursuing a carbon neutral bottling facility or recycling an equal amount of plastics to what we put into the consumer/waste stream, this environmental concern benefits all people living on our planet. Technology is also part of our name because it is part of our ultra-violet purification and filtration we can provide the highest quality artesian spring water without altering its incredible, natural taste. We see our water as being alive; mattering in our world. Not just something to be consumed but rather, "the path (La Rue) to changing lives. 

Winston Churchill once said, "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." Similarly, Jesus said, "If you know the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him, and he would have given you Living Water." Great insights for a thirsty world.

"Water is Life... Pursuing Living Water Matters"

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